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Are you stating this #1 excuse that prevents progress?

Wrong Excuse

I am amazed at how people give this #1 wrong excuse and if you are giving this excuse.

Surprise, I also gave this excuse for a long time in my life.

I was having a conversation and the statement. I heard “My mother and even my Family members have Insomnia and this is in my Genes to struggle with Insomnia.

I inherited this problem. My genes are at fault.”

I have heard this statement multiple times and even I believed this is true. I even went overboard on proving this statement by giving so many instances to prove my theory was correct.

But later I realized why we give this excuse which is B.S. This is because our brain operates on the principle of ‘least resistance’.

Change is scary for the brain so it falls back on the path of old habits and goes back to the path of least resistance.

Roger Banister Story

You can refer to Roger Banister’s story to see how the 1-mile distance within 4 minutes was broken by him and then the record was broken 30 times in the same year.

So, coming back to the Genes inherited yes You can have problematic genes. But you can turn off the genes that move you towards Insomnia or any other diseases.

You can read about these concepts in detail in the book “Evolve Your Brain” by Joe Dispenza and “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton.

So, in short, if you are struggling with health ailments the excuse that you have inherited bad genes and you cannot do anything about it is rubbish.

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